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text.go 5.09 KiB
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package text

import (
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faiface committed


var ASCII []rune

func init() {
	ASCII = make([]rune, unicode.MaxASCII-32)
	for i := range ASCII {
		ASCII[i] = rune(32 + i)

func RangeTable(table *unicode.RangeTable) []rune {
	var runes []rune
	for _, rng := range table.R16 {
		for r := rng.Lo; r <= rng.Hi; r += rng.Stride {
			runes = append(runes, rune(r))
	for _, rng := range table.R32 {
		for r := rng.Lo; r <= rng.Hi; r += rng.Stride {
			runes = append(runes, rune(r))
	return runes

type Text struct {
	Orig pixel.Vec
	Dot  pixel.Vec

	lineHeight float64
	tabWidth   float64
	prevR  rune
	bounds pixel.Rect
	glyph  pixel.TrianglesData
	tris   pixel.TrianglesData

	mat    pixel.Matrix
	col    pixel.RGBA
	trans  pixel.TrianglesData
	transD pixel.Drawer
	dirty  bool

func New(face font.Face, runeSets ...[]rune) *Text {
	runes := []rune{unicode.ReplacementChar}
	for _, set := range runeSets {
		runes = append(runes, set...)

	atlas := NewAtlas(face, runes)
	txt := &Text{
		atlas:      atlas,
		lineHeight: atlas.LineHeight(),
		tabWidth:   atlas.Glyph(' ').Advance * 4,
		mat:        pixel.IM,
		col:        pixel.Alpha(1),
faiface's avatar
faiface committed

faiface's avatar
faiface committed
	for i := range txt.glyph {
		txt.glyph[i].Color = pixel.Alpha(1)
		txt.glyph[i].Intensity = 1

	txt.transD.Picture = txt.atlas.pic
	txt.transD.Triangles = &txt.trans
func (txt *Text) Atlas() *Atlas {
	return txt.atlas

func (txt *Text) SetMatrix(m pixel.Matrix) {
	if txt.mat != m {
		txt.mat = m
		txt.dirty = true

func (txt *Text) SetColorMask(c color.Color) {
	rgba := pixel.ToRGBA(c)
	if txt.col != rgba {
		txt.col = rgba
		txt.dirty = true

func (txt *Text) Bounds() pixel.Rect {
	return txt.bounds
faiface's avatar
faiface committed
func (txt *Text) BoundsOf(s string) pixel.Rect {
	dot := txt.Dot
	prevR := txt.prevR
	bounds := pixel.Rect{}

	for _, r := range s {
faiface's avatar
faiface committed
		var control bool
		dot, control = txt.controlRune(r, dot)
		if control {

faiface's avatar
faiface committed
		var b pixel.Rect
		_, _, b, dot = txt.Atlas().DrawRune(prevR, r, dot)

		if bounds.W()*bounds.H() == 0 {
			bounds = b
		} else {
			bounds = bounds.Union(b)

		prevR = r

	return bounds

func (txt *Text) Color(c color.Color) {
faiface's avatar
faiface committed
	rgba := pixel.ToRGBA(c)
	for i := range txt.glyph {
		txt.glyph[i].Color = rgba
func (txt *Text) LineHeight(height float64) {
	txt.lineHeight = height

func (txt *Text) TabWidth(width float64) {
	txt.tabWidth = width

func (txt *Text) Clear() {
	txt.prevR = -1
	txt.bounds = pixel.Rect{}
	txt.dirty = true

func (txt *Text) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	txt.buf = append(txt.buf, p...)
	return len(p), nil
func (txt *Text) WriteString(s string) (n int, err error) {
	txt.buf = append(txt.buf, s...)
faiface's avatar
faiface committed
func (txt *Text) WriteByte(c byte) error {
	txt.buf = append(txt.buf, c)
	return nil
faiface's avatar
faiface committed

func (txt *Text) WriteRune(r rune) (n int, err error) {
	var b [4]byte
	n = utf8.EncodeRune(b[:], r)
	txt.buf = append(txt.buf, b[:n]...)
	return n, nil

faiface's avatar
faiface committed
// controlRune checks if r is a control rune (newline, tab, ...). If it is, a new dot position and
// true is returned. If r is not a control rune, the original dot and false is returned.
func (txt *Text) controlRune(r rune, dot pixel.Vec) (newDot pixel.Vec, control bool) {
	switch r {
	case '\n':
		dot -= pixel.Y(txt.lineHeight)
		dot = dot.WithX(txt.Orig.X())
	case '\r':
		dot = dot.WithX(txt.Orig.X())
	case '\t':
		rem := math.Mod(dot.X()-txt.Orig.X(), txt.tabWidth)
		rem = math.Mod(rem, rem+txt.tabWidth)
		if rem == 0 {
			rem = txt.tabWidth
		dot += pixel.X(rem)
		return dot, false
	return dot, true

func (txt *Text) drawBuf() {
	for utf8.FullRune(txt.buf) {
		r, size := utf8.DecodeRune(txt.buf)
		txt.buf = txt.buf[size:]

faiface's avatar
faiface committed
		var control bool
		txt.Dot, control = txt.controlRune(r, txt.Dot)
		if control {
faiface's avatar
faiface committed
		var rect, frame, bounds pixel.Rect
		rect, frame, bounds, txt.Dot = txt.Atlas().DrawRune(txt.prevR, r, txt.Dot)
		rv := [...]pixel.Vec{pixel.V(rect.Min.X(), rect.Min.Y()),
			pixel.V(rect.Max.X(), rect.Min.Y()),
			pixel.V(rect.Max.X(), rect.Max.Y()),
			pixel.V(rect.Min.X(), rect.Max.Y()),
faiface's avatar
faiface committed
		fv := [...]pixel.Vec{pixel.V(frame.Min.X(), frame.Min.Y()),
			pixel.V(frame.Max.X(), frame.Min.Y()),
			pixel.V(frame.Max.X(), frame.Max.Y()),
			pixel.V(frame.Min.X(), frame.Max.Y()),
		for i, j := range [...]int{0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3} {
			txt.glyph[i].Position = rv[j]
			txt.glyph[i].Picture = fv[j]
		txt.tris = append(txt.tris, txt.glyph...)
		txt.dirty = true
		if txt.bounds.W()*txt.bounds.H() == 0 {
			txt.bounds = bounds
		} else {
			txt.bounds = txt.bounds.Union(bounds)

func (txt *Text) Draw(t pixel.Target) {
	if txt.dirty {
faiface's avatar
faiface committed

		for i := range txt.trans {
			txt.trans[i].Position = txt.mat.Project(txt.trans[i].Position)
			txt.trans[i].Color = txt.trans[i].Color.Mul(txt.col)
faiface's avatar
faiface committed

		txt.dirty = false
faiface's avatar
faiface committed
