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package text

import (
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// ASCII is a set of all ASCII runes. These runes are codepoints from 32 to 127 inclusive.
var ASCII []rune

func init() {
	ASCII = make([]rune, unicode.MaxASCII-32)
	for i := range ASCII {
		ASCII[i] = rune(32 + i)

// RangeTable takes a *unicode.RangeTable and generates a set of runes contained within that
// RangeTable.
func RangeTable(table *unicode.RangeTable) []rune {
	var runes []rune
	for _, rng := range table.R16 {
		for r := rng.Lo; r <= rng.Hi; r += rng.Stride {
			runes = append(runes, rune(r))
	for _, rng := range table.R32 {
		for r := rng.Lo; r <= rng.Hi; r += rng.Stride {
			runes = append(runes, rune(r))
	return runes

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// Text allows for effiecient and convenient text drawing.
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// To create a Text object, use the New constructor:
//   txt := text.New(face, text.ASCII)
// As suggested by the constructor, a Text object is always associated with one font face and a
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// fixed set of runes. For example, the Text we created above can draw text using the font face
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// contained in the `face` variable and is capable of drawing ASCII characters.
// Here we create a Text object which can draw ASCII and Katakana characters:
//   txt := text.New(face, text.ASCII, text.RangeTable(unicode.Katakana))
// Similarly to IMDraw, Text functions as a buffer. It implements io.Writer interface, so writing
// text to it is really simple:
//   fmt.Print(txt, "Hello, world!")
// Finally, if we want the written text to show up on some other Target, we can draw it:
//   txt.Draw(target)
// Text exports two important fields: Orig and Dot. Dot is the position where the next character
// will be written. Dot is automatically moved when writing to a Text object, but you can also
// manipulate it manually. Orig specifies the text origin, usually the top-left dot position. Dot is
// always aligned to Orig when writing newlines.
// To reset the Dot to the Orig, just assign it:
//   txt.Dot = txt.Orig
type Text struct {
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	// Orig specifies the text origin, usually the top-left dot position. Dot is always aligned
	// to Orig when writing newlines.
	Orig pixel.Vec
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	// Dot is the position where the next character will be written. Dot is automatically moved
	// when writing to a Text object, but you can also manipulate it manually
	Dot pixel.Vec

	lineHeight float64
	tabWidth   float64
	prevR  rune
	bounds pixel.Rect
	glyph  pixel.TrianglesData
	tris   pixel.TrianglesData

	mat    pixel.Matrix
	col    pixel.RGBA
	trans  pixel.TrianglesData
	transD pixel.Drawer
	dirty  bool
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// New creates a new Text capable of drawing runes contained in the provided rune sets, plus
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// unicode.ReplacementChar using the provided font.Face. New automatically generates an Atlas for
// the Text.
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// Do not destroy or close the font.Face after creating a Text. Although Text caches most of the
// stuff (pre-drawn glyphs, etc.), it still uses the face for a few things.
// Here we create a Text capable of drawing ASCII characters using the Go Regular font.
//   ttf, err := truetype.Parse(goregular.TTF)
//   if err != nil {
//       panic(err)
//   }
//   face := truetype.NewFace(ttf, &truetype.Options{
//       Size: 14,
//   })
//   txt := text.New(face, text.ASCII)
func New(face font.Face, runeSets ...[]rune) *Text {
	runes := []rune{unicode.ReplacementChar}
	for _, set := range runeSets {
		runes = append(runes, set...)

	txt := &Text{
		atlas:      atlas,
		lineHeight: atlas.LineHeight(),
		tabWidth:   atlas.Glyph(' ').Advance * 4,
		mat:        pixel.IM,
		col:        pixel.Alpha(1),
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	for i := range txt.glyph {
		txt.glyph[i].Color = pixel.Alpha(1)
		txt.glyph[i].Intensity = 1

	txt.transD.Picture = txt.atlas.pic
	txt.transD.Triangles = &txt.trans
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// Atlas returns the underlying Text's Atlas containing all of the pre-drawn glyphs. The Atlas is
// also useful for getting values such as the recommended line height.
func (txt *Text) Atlas() *Atlas {
	return txt.atlas

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// SetMatrix sets a Matrix by which the text will be transformed before drawing to another Target.
func (txt *Text) SetMatrix(m pixel.Matrix) {
	if txt.mat != m {
		txt.mat = m
		txt.dirty = true
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// SetColorMask sets a color by which the text will be masked before drawingto another Target.
func (txt *Text) SetColorMask(c color.Color) {
	rgba := pixel.ToRGBA(c)
	if txt.col != rgba {
		txt.col = rgba
		txt.dirty = true

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// Bounds returns the bounding box of the text currently written to the Text excluding whitespace.
// If the Text is empty, a zero rectangle is returned.
func (txt *Text) Bounds() pixel.Rect {
	return txt.bounds
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// BoundsOf returns the bounding box of s if it was to be written to the Text right now.
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func (txt *Text) BoundsOf(s string) pixel.Rect {
	dot := txt.Dot
	prevR := txt.prevR
	bounds := pixel.Rect{}

	for _, r := range s {
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		var control bool
		dot, control = txt.controlRune(r, dot)
		if control {

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		var b pixel.Rect
		_, _, b, dot = txt.Atlas().DrawRune(prevR, r, dot)

		if bounds.W()*bounds.H() == 0 {
			bounds = b
		} else {
			bounds = bounds.Union(b)

		prevR = r

	return bounds

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// Color sets the text color. This does not affect any previously written text.
func (txt *Text) Color(c color.Color) {
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	rgba := pixel.ToRGBA(c)
	for i := range txt.glyph {
		txt.glyph[i].Color = rgba
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// LineHeight sets the vertical distance between two lines of text. This does not affect any
// previously written text.
func (txt *Text) LineHeight(height float64) {
	txt.lineHeight = height
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// TabWidth sets the horizontal tab width. Tab characters will align to the multiples of this width.
func (txt *Text) TabWidth(width float64) {
	txt.tabWidth = width

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// Clear removes all written text from the Text.
func (txt *Text) Clear() {
	txt.prevR = -1
	txt.bounds = pixel.Rect{}
	txt.dirty = true
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// Write writes a slice of bytes to the Text. This method never fails, always returns len(p), nil.
func (txt *Text) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
	txt.buf = append(txt.buf, p...)
	return len(p), nil
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// WriteString writes a string to the Text. This method never fails, always returns len(s), nil.
func (txt *Text) WriteString(s string) (n int, err error) {
	txt.buf = append(txt.buf, s...)
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// WriteByte writes a byte to the Text. This method never fails, always returns nil.
// Writing a multi-byte rune byte-by-byte is perfectly supported.
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func (txt *Text) WriteByte(c byte) error {
	txt.buf = append(txt.buf, c)
	return nil
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// WriteRune writes a rune to the Text. This method never fails, always returns utf8.RuneLen(r), nil.
func (txt *Text) WriteRune(r rune) (n int, err error) {
	var b [4]byte
	n = utf8.EncodeRune(b[:], r)
	txt.buf = append(txt.buf, b[:n]...)
	return n, nil

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// Draw draws all text written to the Text to the provided Target. The text is transformed by the
// Text's matrix and color mask.
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func (txt *Text) Draw(t pixel.Target) {
	if txt.dirty {

		for i := range txt.trans {
			txt.trans[i].Position = txt.mat.Project(txt.trans[i].Position)
			txt.trans[i].Color = txt.trans[i].Color.Mul(txt.col)

		txt.dirty = false


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// controlRune checks if r is a control rune (newline, tab, ...). If it is, a new dot position and
// true is returned. If r is not a control rune, the original dot and false is returned.
func (txt *Text) controlRune(r rune, dot pixel.Vec) (newDot pixel.Vec, control bool) {
	switch r {
	case '\n':
		dot -= pixel.Y(txt.lineHeight)
		dot = dot.WithX(txt.Orig.X())
	case '\r':
		dot = dot.WithX(txt.Orig.X())
	case '\t':
		rem := math.Mod(dot.X()-txt.Orig.X(), txt.tabWidth)
		rem = math.Mod(rem, rem+txt.tabWidth)
		if rem == 0 {
			rem = txt.tabWidth
		dot += pixel.X(rem)
		return dot, false
	return dot, true

func (txt *Text) drawBuf() {
	for utf8.FullRune(txt.buf) {
		r, size := utf8.DecodeRune(txt.buf)
		txt.buf = txt.buf[size:]

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		var control bool
		txt.Dot, control = txt.controlRune(r, txt.Dot)
		if control {
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		var rect, frame, bounds pixel.Rect
		rect, frame, bounds, txt.Dot = txt.Atlas().DrawRune(txt.prevR, r, txt.Dot)
		rv := [...]pixel.Vec{pixel.V(rect.Min.X(), rect.Min.Y()),
			pixel.V(rect.Max.X(), rect.Min.Y()),
			pixel.V(rect.Max.X(), rect.Max.Y()),
			pixel.V(rect.Min.X(), rect.Max.Y()),
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		fv := [...]pixel.Vec{pixel.V(frame.Min.X(), frame.Min.Y()),
			pixel.V(frame.Max.X(), frame.Min.Y()),
			pixel.V(frame.Max.X(), frame.Max.Y()),
			pixel.V(frame.Min.X(), frame.Max.Y()),
		for i, j := range [...]int{0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3} {
			txt.glyph[i].Position = rv[j]
			txt.glyph[i].Picture = fv[j]
		txt.tris = append(txt.tris, txt.glyph...)
		txt.dirty = true
		if txt.bounds.W()*txt.bounds.H() == 0 {
			txt.bounds = bounds
		} else {
			txt.bounds = txt.bounds.Union(bounds)