index e41131eff3fd63ea6b20324923bde12f59360faa..22c308f01ba91cb0f8c6eea8bdca28168f5a081b 100644
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 1. **Make a community example** and place it inside the `community` folder of the [examples repository][examples].
 2. **Add tests**. There only few tests in Pixel at the moment. Take a look at them and make some similar.
 3. **Add a small feature or an improvement**. Feel like some small feature is missing? Just make a PR. Be ready that I might reject it, though, if I don't find it particularly appealing.
-4. **Join the big development** by joining the discussion at the [Gitter](https://gitter.im/pixellib/Lobby), where we can discuss bigger changes and implement them after that.
+4. **Join the big development** by joining the discussion on our [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/q2DK4MP), where we can discuss bigger changes and implement them after that.
 ## How to make a pull request